Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snowy Morning Breakfast

I woke up to beautiful snow falling, a rare occurrence here in Seattle.  Snowy days make me want to sit near a window drinking coffee and eating toast with jam on it.  I must have remembered this yesterday as Candice and I braved slushy precipitation at the farmer's market because I bought a little jar of Blackberry Gem from Growing Things.
Almost every morning for breakfast I make breakfast tacos.  While I generally try to add any vegetables that are laying around the house into my tacos, I've been slipping lately.  I've found myself in a totally not boring rut of cheese, bacon, hash browns, and eggs, wrapped in a corn tortilla.  Delicious, but certainly a waste of a meal if I'm trying to maximize fruit and veggie consumption.  This morning I ate 4 fruits/vegetables, not in taco form though.  Full servings of sweet potatoes, blackberries, mangos, and raspberries all found their way into my breakfast.  One of the tricks that both Candice and I have learned is the magical smoothie.  If you find yourself at 24/28 on the last day of your week (ours is today - Sunday), you can easily throw down a smoothie for your final 28.  Having a freezer full of fruits and vegetables is pretty helpful, especially in the winter when the farmer's market consists of 10 different varieties of kale and root vegetables.  Another trick is bacon.  Frying new vegetables that you are unsure of in bacon fat, or with bacon, almost always makes them delicious, butter works this way too - usually.  


  1. Kind of kicking myself for not picking up some gem myself. still have freezer jam a friend made though!

  2. It's so good. I totally support you getting a different flavor and comparing.
